Re: [Evolution] Error storing Folder - Evo 2.4.1

On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 07:43 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 07:25 +0000, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
I subscribe to the Open Office Mailing list, which is a high-volume
list. (4000 posts a month). Sometimes I get the following error:

"Error while Storing folder 'Personal Folders/ITC/Software/Open Office'.

"Summary and folder mismatch, even after a sync

when exiting the folder. Is this because the folder gets over a certain
size limit, or is this a bug? I find I can cure it by creating another
folder and moving all the messages to it and then deleting the original

Any thoughts?

Is the folder local or on an IMAP server? If local, is it stored as an
mbox or as a Maildir? If it's local and an mbox then you could be
hitting a limit on file sizes (2GB on some versions of Limux). Do you
compact the folder after deleting messages? If not, the mbox doesn't get
any smaller even though it appears to have few messages in it. That's
why copying the folder and deleting the original works, so why not use
File->Compact Folder, which does exactly the same thing?

It's a local folder and is currently standing at 5 MB only!

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