Re: [Evolution] Fontsize-KDE

On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 03:20 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
hi ron,

Am Sonntag, den 18.06.2006, 17:01 -0700 schrieb Ron Eggler:
I was wondering why the fontsizes in evolution don't fit the fontsizes
set in KDE. Am I missing any setting in evolution or am I possibly
missing any Gnome<->KDE connection libarary or so? I set all KDE fonts
to 8 points and Evolution is still with 10point fonts.

why should evolution care about your kde settings? evolution is a gome
application. :-)

use "gconf-editor" to change the keys
in /apps/evolution/mail/display/fonts and/or try to run

I am running Gnome apps under KDE and I had a lot of trouble getting the
KDE and Gnome font sizes to match.  I eventually I found I had to do the
following to make all my KDE, Gnome and GTK application fonts

1. Start the gnome-settings-daemon via a KDE startup file.
2. Remove the xscreensaver package that the gnome-settings-daemon
started as I couldn't stop it being started.
3. Install gtk-qt-engine which gives a option under KDE control center
to sync GTK fonts with KDE fonts
4. Add a .Xresources file to user home directories containing the line:
Xft.dpi: 96


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