[Evolution] Evolution & KlamAV


The instructions for using KlamAV with Evolution are as follows:

Mail scanning support is provided by a program called 'klammail'. This was
installed automatically as part of the KlamAV installation. to use this
program to scan your email as you send and recieve it you need to set up a
'filter' in Ximian Evolution to 'pipe' mail through klammmail as it is
coming in/going out. You should then set up a filter after this one to put
any mail with the word 'virus-found' in the header in to the quarantine
folder of your choice- The mail will be clearly marked as infected and will
tell you the name of the virus and who the mail is from.

This all sounds simple until one realizes that the only piping command
included in Evolution for message filters is a "pipe TO" command, not a
"Pipe THROUGH" command as in Kmail.  The result is that the message is sent
off to klammail, it is processed but Evolution continues to use the original
message with the headers unchanged.  Consequently, subsequent filters in
Evolution looking for "virus-found" will always provide negative results.

I do not know of a way to get the klammail processed message piped back into
Evolution.  Is there anyone who can help me sort this out?

In the meatime I have removed KlamAV and only using clamAV with the
following command in the Evolution filter "pipe to" command":

"clamscan --quiet -"

This returns a 0 or 1 result depending upon the scan result which can be
used by Evolution in a conditional filter sequence.


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