[Evolution] my first post so be nice to me

Hi all, I hope this is the correct mailing list for evolution.  If not, I apologize and I would appreciate 
being pointed in the right direction.

My operating system is 10.4.6 using a powerbook 1GHZ ppc.

I have installed evolution 2.6 for os x.  However, I put it on an external drive that I plug into my 
computer.  When I run the scrpt evolution-start.sh, I get the following error:

dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/gnome-2.14/lib/evolution/2.6/libeshell.0.dylib
  Referenced from: /Volumes/FireLite 80 GB/opt/gnome-2.14/bin/evolution-2.6
  Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap

What do I need to do to resolve this error?  Please keep in mind that 
/opt/gnome-2.14/lib/evolution/2.6/libeshell.0.dylib is actually located on my external drive at 
/Volumes/FireLite 80 GB/opt/gnome-2.14//opt/gnome-2.14/lib/evolution/2.6/libeshell.0.dylib

Any help will be appreciated.


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