[Evolution] Question

I am installing on my machine three different Linux distributions:
      * Mandriva 2006 December Club edition
      * Fedora Core 5 and
      * Kubuntu 5

Because they operate with different versions of Gnome and KDE, they need
to have their separate /home partitions. With the .files (hidden files),
referring to the various packages installed, each with their internal
files, sub-files and sub-directories. (unless, by miracle, someone found
a way to share the same /home under diverse distribs) 

All my useful data (text, etc) re stored in a folder that is shared and
accessible independently from each distrib. Ditto for my html work,
backups, software and other downloaded packages 

On my usual distrib, Mandriva, I have organized long ago my mail
folders, mail boxes, address book, calendar and tasks.

The problem I anticipate is that I will have to install separately
evolution on each distrib, and copy my mailbox organization, calendar,
tasks and address books from Mandriva to each of the two other distribs,
and be careful to transfer the new incoming and outgoing mails from the
distrib I will be using one day or another, to the other two distribs so
that they all are identical and up to date.

This is pretty cumbersome. Would there be a way to place the calendar,
mail folders, mail boxes, tasks and address books, in a common folder
that could be mounted on each distrib and would work for any of the
distrib under operation, then be available without any of the other two.

Thanks in advance for detailed advice

Yves Bajard

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