Re: [Evolution] GPG encryption in Evolution 2.0.4

Ow Mun Heng wrote:

I'm trying to set up GPG encryption in Evolution - signing works fine.
I've followed the directions in some online HOWTOs that I've found but
when I send the message I get a pop-up with:

Could not create message.
Because "Failed to execute gpg: Broken pipe, you may need to select
different mail options"

Try running evo from the cli with "CAMEL_VERBOSE_DEBUG=1 evolution"
and see what it spits out.

Ow Mun Heng
Gentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz 1.5GB RAM
98% Microsoft(tm) Free!! 
Neuromancer 11:20:20 up 22:07, 6 users, load average: 1.92, 2.19, 2.14

I was just having the same problem on Evolution with GnuPG
1.4.1.  I discovered the cause of my problem, therefore, I'll post my
information here in case it helps.  My debug output is below:
restoring draft flag 'text/plain'
restoring draft flag 'pgp-sign'
restoring draft flag 'pgp-encrypt'
status: [GNUPG:] USERID_HINT 688DE974EAC33B8D Greg Tassone <greg tassone net>
status: [GNUPG:] NEED_PASSPHRASE 688DE974EAC33B8D 688DE974EAC33B8D 17 0
status: [GNUPG:] GET_HIDDEN passphrase.enter
status: [GNUPG:] GOT_IT
status: [GNUPG:] SIG_CREATED D 17 2 00 1122536350 37C9CD39EB09E48DB8F05E37688DE974EAC33B8D
status: [GNUPG:] INV_RECP 10 obscureduser somedomain net
CamelException.setv(0x7fffffffc520, 2, 'Failed to execute gpg: Broken pipe')

OK, here was my problem/solution:

It turns out that my intended recipient ("obscureduser somedomain net"
in my output above) did not have a proper "trust" assignment in my gpg
keyring (even though the UID was signed).  Editing the key showed a
trust level of "[unknown]" for the UID in question, even though the key
already had an "ultimate" level of trust assigned.

I told gpg to assign that level of trust again and saved the key.  As I
saved the key gpg informed me that no changes were made.  However,
editing the key again now properly showed the trust level for the UID in
question.  From this point forward Evolution worked perfectly.

Hope that helps...


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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