Re: [Evolution] forwarding of attachments

On Mon, 2004-09-27 at 17:02 +0200, Lubos Kolouch wrote:
Dear Not Zed,

Thank you for considering my point of view.

I respect yours, however I would like to add additional comments:

What you do with email as a business user who receiving daily 
100s emails?

You want to :

- quickly see the content of the email to see the importance
- be able to quickly search in the emails
- be able to forward the email to your colleagues and add your comments

So if you do forward as attachment, it is fine, but the receiver
cannot see the original email. I mean he can but he has to click, open
the message in new window, then click again to switch to the email
with your comments etc.
This depends entirely on the mail client. I presume you mean LookOut, which makes viewing of attached messages incredibly difficult.

Maybe you should try mailing one of the core outlook mail developers and ask them why they make viewing attached messages so difficult?  *cough*.
Of course this is possible but it is highly unpractical.

What I am saying is that yes, it can be done as you said, by forwarding,
by drag and dropping etc. 

My point is that your solution is very time consuming (it is ok when
you have one email per day but not 100s) and therefore not usable in
daily business life where time is money.

There must be some (business) reason why other mail clients do it the
way they do, ie. forward the message WITH attachments and quoted text.

Well maybe there's some business reason why other mail clients make it so hard to read attached messages?  In evolution it is no different to reading any other attached-inline content, and is just shown in-line by default.  So it makes no difference in the amount of time to use, to send, or to read such attachments.

And there are sound technical reasons why we always made this the default setting, and why we make this format easy to use.
Thank you again for considering my idea.
Like I said I don't know why exactly the attachment stuff was entirely removed from forwarding inline.  Apart from it being buggy and difficult to make it work reliably.

I was pretty surprised it vanished to be honest, particularly after i'd spent time in the 2.0 cycle re-writing much of it to make it work better.

I'm going to try and find out why exactly this was removed, and try and get it back in.  Its only a 3 line patch to put the behaviour back in.  I'm not that concerned that it *is* a broken way to forward messages despite many emotional and non-rational arguments to the contrary, i just dont see why users need to be pissed off for no reason.

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"born to die, live to work, it's all downhill from here"
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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