[Evolution] Anyone running Evolution/Connector 2.0.0 with HTTPS connection on Fedora Core 2/GNOME 2.8.0?

I'm running Evolution/Connector 2.0.0 on Fedora Core 2, using GARNOME
2.8.0.  My exchange server uses HTTPS to connect, with my own builds of
gnutls 1.0.20, libtasn1 0.2.10, and opencdk 0.5.5, and the FC2 included
RPM of libgcrypt 1.2.0.

I have two main problems.  First, evolution-exchange-storage crashes
several times a day, apparently in some gnutls code:


The other problem is that meeting request emails do not display


I've been told for both that it is likely a "configuration problem", but
no one has been able to help me figure out what that might be.  Is
anyone else running a similar configuration?  What are your experiences?


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