[Evolution] Re: Free/Busy Publishing

On Tue, 2004-09-21 at 21:46 -0700, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
Figure out which directory you want to publish the f/b information.
Create a .htaccess file that looks like this (modify as noted with **):

-> cat .htaccess
AuthName Publish
AuthUserFile **/path/to/htpwfile/outside/of/DocumentRoot
AuthType Basic

<LimitExcept GET POST>
order deny,allow
require valid-user
Then modify the apache configuration file (if using multiple virtual
servers, put it only inside the VirtualHost directive for the f/b
hosting).  Add these lines (modify as noted with **):
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin-put **/path/to/cgi-bin/for/put

        <Directory **/path/for/document/root>
                Script PUT /cgi-bin-put/putit
                .... other options ....
                AllowOverride All
                order allow,deny
                allow from all
        <Directory **/path/to/cgi-bin/for/put>
                Options ExecCGI
                AuthName Publish
                AuthUserFile /home/httpd/htpwfile
                AuthType Basic
                order deny,allow
                require valid-user
Note that I used a completely separate cgi bin for this script.  I don't
remember why, but it most likely was based on some security advice.
Attached is the actual script.  Put it in the put cgi-bin shown above,
make it executable, and verify that the first line points to where your
perl in installed.

Finally, create the htpassword file like this (modify as noted with **):
-> htpasswd -c **/path/to/htpwfile **username

Thanks for the quick answer! I'm cc'ing to the list in case it helps
anyone else and also because my emails to you are being bounced back as
possible SPAM.

That seems like a lot of trouble just to get a file saved, and
unfortunately it goes outside the scope of my access on my webserver. I
suppose I could install a local copy of Apache, but again that's a lot
to go through just to save a small free/busy file. It's really too bad
that file:// doesn't seem to work with Evolution, because it does work
with Outlook.

Thanks again,


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