Re: [Evolution] Feature Idea:


On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 13:39 +0800, Not Zed wrote:
You mean like the new mail crapplet bounty?

It seems like Rob is talking about yet another step, an all-the-time available Notification Area icon. So when there's new mail in the preferred list of folders, the icon would blink or change to another icon, until clicked or something. And clicking the notification area icon when the main window is visible would hide the main window. Clicking the icon again would make it visible again.

Rob, please confirm if that's what you think.

This reminds me of another oddity. Evolution can have multiple main windows (File / New Window). What if we disable this totally, so there will always be a single main window? Does anyone use multiple windows for something good?

The only use case I could imagine is to have a window per module, i.e. a window for mail, another for calendar, another for tasks, etc.

Enver ALTIN                   |
Software developer @ Parkyeri |

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