Re: [Evolution] setting font size in message list / folder list? (1.5.93 / Slackware)

On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 00:37 +0200, guenther wrote:
I've just got Evo 1.5.93 running on Slackware - the only issue being
that the font size for the message list and folder list is a little on
the large size. Is there anywhere I can change this within Evolution? (I
assume it's a global Gnome setting and for some reason Evo under
Slackware isn't picking the setting up)

Run 'gnome-font-properties' from a terminal. The Application Font
setting does control those font sizes as well.

No luck I'm afraid - I'd already tried that before you suggested it!
Setting the font size using that utility doesn't affect the font size as
used by Evolution. 

I had a hard disk lying around with Redhat 9 and Evo 1.4 still on it, so
just tried that and it does work there - so it looks like it's something
specific to the slackware environment. Question is, by what process does
Evo pick up what font to use? 

'gnome-font-properties' seems to be setting the info I request OK, as it
picks up the changes next time that I run it - it's just that Evo isn't
picking up those changes for some reason.

I believe if you set it to use "the same fonts as other applications"
your mail fonts will use the very same large fonts as you are seeing for
the lists currently.

Yep, that seems to be the case. Actually it seems a strange design that
you can override the mail font in Evo's preferences, but not the fonts
used for anything else :-(

Yay! for recovering unfinished messages. :)

uh huh, that is nice :)

Is Slackware ever likely to be officially supported by the way? I
haven't run it for about ten years, but after only an hour or so I'm
already glad that I ditched Redhat!

By "officially supported" you mean packages built by Ximian? Unlikely,
although I am by no means entitled to judge here.

Yep. It's a server that I've put Slackware on to in place of Redhat;
makes more sense in terms of efficiency (I'd just been lazy about
getting round to it!). I run Evo from the server via a remote display
(which does happen to be Redhat 9 currently, but could do with upgrading
that - I don't fancy Fedora, so Slackware might end up on there too).

Just seems a shame that Ximian don't either have a complete Evo package
for slackware, or at least a page on the web site detailing what bits
are needed to get Evo to work (same for the other common Linux distros)



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