Re: [Evolution] Calendar still not syncing with palm pilot

Well, it appears that it was a problem in gnome-pilot on Mandrake
Cooker.  The latest update fixed the problem.  I guess if I had kept
building that from CVS also, it probably would have been fixed a long
time ago.  Oh, well, I guess now since I switched to the Mandrake built
Evolution, I can just let Frederic (the Mandrake maintainer) build it,
and I can do other things with the time I save by no longer doing daily
builds..... like use my Palm Pilot again.

Lonnie Borntreger

On Sun, 2004-08-29 at 21:11 -0700, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
I just switched to Mandrake Cooker's version of Evolution, from the CVS
version, thinking that maybe something was wrong with the way I'm
compiling it, but I still can't get the calendar to sync.  Below is a
snippet of what shows on the console if I run gpilotd there.

[bunch of lines like this]
ecalconduit-Message: prepare: encoding local

ecalconduit-Message: set_pilot_id: setting to 6216568

[then this]
ecalconduit-Message: for_each ending
ecalconduit-Message: post_sync: Calendar Conduit v.0.1.6
xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant : input not UTF-8

There once was a bug in bugzilla related to this (57595), but it is
closed as fixed.  I have the latest gnome packages, including gnome-
pilot 2.0.11, and I still see this.

Any ideas?  Is something screwed up in my gconf settings or something?

HELP!  I have had an empty calendar in my palm pilot for months now.

Lonnie Borntreger

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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