Re: [Evolution] Subscribe to folders loops with uw imap server

If you use folder subscriptions and the folder subscription dialog, it doesn't recursively scan the server until the user expands each node.

And you're probably after the override namespace option in the account config.

On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 11:17 +1000, Ian Mortimer wrote:
There's a well known bug/feature of uw imap (even in the latest version)
which goes like this:

   imapd is configured to look for folders starting in the home

   somewhere under the home directory there's a symbolic link 
   pointing to a directory higher up (e.g. openoffice creates a 
   link to the home directory from .openoffice/user/work)

   user searches for all folders

   the search loops infinitely following the symlink back to 
   the home directory

Some imap clients provide a way around this by allowing you to 
specify the starting directory for the search (imap_home_namespace
in mutt for example).

Is there any way to specify the starting point in evolution?

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"born to die, live to work, it's all downhill from here"
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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