Re: [Evolution] Message being marked read on open

On Tue, 2004-11-02 at 15:28 +1100, Andrew Cowie wrote:
Between evo 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 I noticed a behaviour change - a message
viewed in the preview pane is not marked read, but if one opens it in a
separate window (double click) it instantly gets marked read.

[instead of waiting the n seconds or, if that subsystem isn't enabled,
remaining unread until such time as having its status manually changed]

Is that expected behaviour? 

Good catch--and a good question.

It *was* the expected behavior in Evo <= 1.4.x, then behaved
inconsistently in 1.5.x, so I filed this bug:
...then someone decided to change it, to what you saw in 2.0.0... which
was reported by someone else as a regression bug (changing of expected,
previous behavior):
...which was then fixed, resulting it what you see today... which I can
see is still broken as I originally reported it was.  Guess I'd better
re-open my original bug.

So the short answer is "yes": Marking as "read" when opened in a
separate window is expected behavior, and I for one am glad it's back
the way it was--but now that the Evo-hacking wizards have gotten the
next/previous buttons to work right in that window, it just needs a
little more love to be perfect.


Please don't "Reply to All"; I don't *need* two copies of your message!
Just use "Reply to List" (Ctrl-L in Evolution).  Thanks.

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