Re: [Evolution] Setting the "from address" in evolution?

On Sun, 2004-03-28 at 16:29, Sudhakar Govindavajhala wrote:

I have something like this in my mind.  The thing is that I would like
not to expose my original email address.  For this, I need to mask both
the From and reply-to address.   So, what you said only solves half the
problem. :-)

Sounds to me like you want to "munge" the headers, which is a much more
advanced idea than Evo allows.  To do this you are going to have to use
something more lower level than Evolution.  It would not be a good
practise for Evo to _easily_ send emails without a FROM header.  That
would be a sad day indeed as any John Doe could become a spammer.

Not really.  To do what I need to do, you need human intervention, and
human intervention means the rate of spam is very small.

From my experience, human intervention will not slow the dy/dx of spam.

That being said I think it is impossible for a legitimate message to be
sent without a "FROM:" header as the SMTP server asks for it before the
DATA transaction begins.

You may need to write a text filter program to overwrite the "FROM:"
header with the "REPLY-TO" header and then strip out the REPLY-TO
header.  Some simple perl code should do the trick and then pipe your
message to `sendmail` for it to hit the MTA (sendmail/postfix/whatever)
to send it on it's way.

True.  But then I use remote IMAP and SMTP to send the mail. I do not
have a SMTP server running on my machine.

Oh, that's too bad.  I hear they are very difficult to set up.

I doubt if procmail can be used for outgoing mail. Does not make sense.

Sudhakar, I have tried to offer you some ideas, but you seem to have all
the answers.  I wonder why you are even posting to a mailing list in the
first place.

Good Day Sir,
Christopher Ness
Software Engineering IV,
McMaster University
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