Re: [Evolution] How does expression work in a filter?

On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 17:58, Rick DeNatale wrote:
I'd like to be able to filter on some of the SpamAssassin tags, for
example, I'd like to make a vfolder which shows any e-mails which have
RCVD_IN_* in the X-Spam-Status header to get an idea of which blacklists
being considered by SA are generating false positive indications.  Is
this something which can be done, either in 1.4 or in 1.5?

I believe you'll have to write a little script that looks for the
headers and returns 1 or 0 when they're (not) found.  Then you can use a
filter to pipe the messages through this script and assign a
label/score/whatever to the message and use that as a rule for the

It's a little bit complicated and might be quite slow though, I have no
idea how much load this would cause...

# Mertens Bram "M8ram"   <bram-mertens linux be>   Linux User #249103 #
# SuSE Linux 8.2 (i586)     kernel 2.4.20-4GB      i686     256MB RAM #
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