Re: [Evolution] update to evolution 1.4.5 ore 1.4.6

I just set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to also point to the mozilla lib directory.
Which changes every time i upgrade mozilla ...

On Sun, 2004-03-14 at 21:39 +0100, Tony Earnshaw wrote:

søn, 14.03.2004 kl. 20.52 skrev Mario:

I have suse 9.0, KDE 3.1.4 and evolution 1.4.4.
I update from 1.4.4 to 1.4.6 with red carpet. The update was fine.
But then I can't start evolution. I ricive the messages: error while
loading shared libraries: cannot open shared objektfile: No
such file or directory.
By the update from the ximian-sit ore with a suse rpm ore the version
1.4.5, the rusultat is the same
Can you help please

Now I feel guilty :(

1: If you do 'locate', what is the result? On RH RHEL3, I
have it in 3 places, including /usr/lib, where it would be found
immediately by anything needing it;
2: I have Evo 1.4.5, works fine. If I, from the command line, do:
'strace evolution 2>&1  | grep' I get no output. Which tends
to suggest that my Evo isn't using it.

So I've no idea. Anyone help Mario and me?



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