Re: [Evolution] Can't connect to my IMAP folders suddenly?

%% Not Zed <notzed ximian com> writes:

  nz> Well the log shows it quite clearly.
  nz> "you do not have permission to log on".
  nz> Clearly something has changed on the server.

Yes, but as I mentioned my fetchmail setup, which hasn't changed at all,
still works just fine.  Why can fetchmail log in properly but Evo can't?
So, it doesn't seem at all clear to me that something on the server

Also, Evo works _sometimes_, for a few hours or even a day.  Then I'll
get a message saying it couldn't log in, and when I try to log back in
it will fail for a few hours (meanwhile, as I say, fetchmail continues
to work perfectly all this time, connecting every 10 seconds).  Then
finally Evo will work again.  For a while.

I used Ethereal to sniff the IMAP packets and saw that the correct
username and password were being used, but it still failed.  Then it
worked again.  Now I'm waiting for it to start failing again.

I did discover that fetchmail is using NTLM to connect.  I have to use a
remote username as "psmith windomain", not just "psmith", to use NTLM.
If I try to use just "psmith" it fails.  If I try to use
"psmith windomain" and force password authentication with fetchmail, it
doesn't work: with password authentication I have to use an account of
just "psmith".

I've tried to use NTLM with Evo with both a username of "psmith" and one
of "psmith windomain" but neither works; the only way I ever get in at
all, even temporarily, is with password authentication.

 Paul D. Smith <psmith nortelnetworks com>   HASMAT--HA Software Mthds & Tools
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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