Re: [Evolution] move from mozilla to evolution problems

On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 22:42, Tony Earnshaw wrote:

But getting back to OP's original question: with Courier IMAP and both
Evo and Mozilla, INBOX is at the head of the hierarchy and is not sorted
- or collated (which actually means "compared").

Since I can't see your screen it's hard to be sure, but do you
mean INBOX appears at the top and your other folders are beneath
it and shifted slightly to the right, i.e. as a tree? If so, that's
entirely consistent with collating order since INBOX is the only
folder at the top level. In my case, the top level is the root of
a tree of which INBOX is merely another branch, and in the folder
list is displayed in collation order, i.e. in the middle.

Hmmm, I guess I could define my own locale where the first letter
of the alphabet is I ...


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