Re: [Evolution] Replying to HTML formatted emails

On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 19:01, Norman P. B. Joseph wrote:
On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 11:34, Pete Biggs wrote:
I don't like HTML emails, so I have my default set to not send mail
using HTML.  However, I'm not so anti-HTML mail that I won't deal with
mail that people send me in HTML!  Consequently, sometimes I have to
reply to it.  Now some of the mail I get is from people like Ebay and
the formatting of their automatically generated HTML email is full of
tables - but when I reply to it the *text* in the composer still retains
the table structure.  This makes it very difficult to edit because when
you add something below some text in a table, it gets inserted into the
table and appears as *quoted* text, not new text.

My default composing style is text.  Yet when I reply to an
HTML-formatted message, even though the reply window opens up in "text"
mode, I can choose "Format -> HTML" from the drop-down menu, and the
quoted message appears properly formatted again.  Try it.

Yes, but I don't want the email to be HTML formatted!  And besides, even
if the email is in HTML format, you still can't reply to it properly by
interspersing your text with the original text, if the original text is
in a table - new text just gets added to the table and appears as if it
was part of the original email in both HTML format and text format.


Pete Biggs :{)       pete physchem ox ac uk     pete biggs chem ox ac uk
  Phone: 01865 275490 (Work)    01865 275410 (Fax)     pete biggs org uk

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