[Evolution] Re: What I miss for Thunderbird

On Mon, 2004-12-06 at 16:03 +0800, çé wrote:
I must say (subjectively or even on the bias) Evolution has some
features ahead than Thunderbird, but there is one feature I do miss
for thunderbird when I am using Evolution:

"Keep email on (pop3) server for X days" 
which makes me able to roll back some emails,  you know sometimes i am
such a stupid  person. and 

"Keeps email until I delete it from my mailbox." 
When I have to set "keep mails on the (pop3) sever", I have to login
on the web and manually delete some emails I don't need any longer.
Such options give me much conveniencn.

Unfortunately these are not currently possible.

If such feature can be gained by any way in Evolution, please
enlighten me, thanks very much.

PS: not to mention that to call spam assassin for junk email control
makes all my badly slow desktop when I have hundruds of emails to
receive at a time.

Make sure that your daemon is only using local check for spam (if not it
maybe be hitting the network for each mail).

JP Rosevear <jpr novell com>
Novell, Inc.

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