Re: [Evolution] Fun with shared folders

On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 07:54 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
I use Evo (2.0.2 on Fedora Core 3) with a Cyrus IMAP server. The server
admin recently created a couple of shared folders which I wanted to
access. This is what happened:

I went to "Tools->Suscribe to Folders" and selected the IMAP server. I
got the usual folder list, plus the entry "shared" (which is actually a
separate namespace on the server). However when I ticked the selection
box Evo complained that it couldn't subscribe to that folder.

Fair enough. I looked back over the mailing list and found a thread a
few months ago in which NotZed suggested creating a new account in order
to override the default server namespace. I went to Tools->Settings and
created the new account. All the config info was the same as my existing
account except that I selected "Override server namespace" and entered
"shared." (note the ".") in the text box.
Well one problem is we simply do not support multiple namespaces at present, so some of this isn't expected to work.  If you find something that works enough, thats about it.
The "shared" folder now appeared in the folder list panel for the new
account with the new shared folders beneath it. I didn't have to
subscribe to it. So far so good.

However ...

1) The folder panel now included all of my previously subscribed folders
from the original account as well as the new "shared" ones. In other
words, the server namespace wasn't overridden but added to. Not a big
deal in this case, but confusing.
Hmm, i suspect this is because the subscriptions list is independent of the namespace setting - it is stored on the server, and the server is still sending the 'old' subscriptions, since they tend to send them all even when other settings change.  And the namespace stuff is really only an extension to the full path name of folders anyway.
2) My normal account config for this server vanished from the folder
panel, though not from the accounts config dialogue. Evo doesn't seem to
like having two different views of the same account on the same server.
So you setup two accounts right?  Hmm, sounds like a bug, perhaps it is key'd off the account name rather than the account-id.
I decided to delete the new account and rewind to my earlier state. On
doing this, my normal account reappeared in the folder panel (though
only after restarting Evo).

But ...

1) The shared folders now appear in the folder panel and are readable.
Note that this is supposedly my original config. I have "show only
subscribed folders" deselected.
Interesting, its probably saved the list of subscribed folders, or at least since they were discovered through other means they've been remembered.  The namespace thing really only affects listing the folders, once you have the list they are essentially just path elements.
2) When I go to "Tools->Subscribe to Folders" Evo says "this store does
not support subscriptions, or they are not enabled". Same thing happens
if "show only subscribed folders" is on or off.
If you change that setting you need to restart evolution for it to have an effect (still - shitty to fix bug).
Result: I can now see the shared folders from my normal account, but I
can't unsubscribe from anything.
Try the restart thing after enabling subscriptions.

But if it can't list the folders, then it wont give you the opportunity to unsubscribe from them(!), so uh, well see how it goes.

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"Evolution - Mostly Practiced By Dumb People"
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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