Re: [Evolution] Selecting multiple messages buggy

Mabe things changed in the WindowsXP version of Outlook then, because we copied the selection semantics directly out of Outlook back in 2000.


On Wed, 2004-04-28 at 15:26 +0100, D. D. Brierton wrote:
On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 16:26, Tony Earnshaw wrote:

> Naaah ... *nothing* utility from no-one works like that - or you detail
> which one.

That's not correct. This is definitely how Windows XP works -- I just
checked. In Windows explorer, switch the view to list mode, and you can
select multiple discontinuous groups of files just as Andrew descrived:
click to select the first, shift-click to select the end of the first
group, control-click to select the beginning of the next group,
shift-control-click to select the end of that group and so on.

> As soon as you choose <shift-point> that's for good and all.
> You want to add more to the list? You use <ctrl-point>, one by one.
> That's how it works, or you get the OS changed. Even Windows works that
> way ... 

No, it doesn't.

Best, Darren

D. D. Brierton            darren dzr-web com
       Trying is the first step towards failure (Homer Simpson)

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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