Re: [Evolution] Folder position in 1.5.7

On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 12:04 -0700, Des Dougan wrote:
I've noticed that, when entering folders in 1.5.7, while the cursor is
located on the last selected message, the view in some cases is at the
start of the folder, not where the cursor is located. For some folders,
though, the position displayed includes the cursor (and in the cases I'm
referring to, there is more than one "screenful" of messages in each

So, for example, in my Evolution Mail folder (where there are over 4000
messages), each time I enter the folder, the right pane display is at
message 1 (sorted by Received Date, ascending), and I have to hit the
"." key to force it to jump to the new messages. In another folder,
GnuCash Mail, with 200 messages, it opens the folder at the cursor
position. Both folders have the same View set.

Is this something others see?


Ron Johnson <ron l johnson cox net>

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