Re: [Evolution] evolution address book as data source in OOo

2004. Ãprilis 26. 09.35 dÃtummal Ludek Safar ezt Ãrta:
V Ne, 25. 04. 2004 v 23:36, PÃsztor Ferenc pÃÅe:
Dear list,

It is great that OOo has a connection to evolution address book. But the
character handling is strange. Every special East-European character is
replaced by an 8-character string starting with "\". (Maybe it is the
result of an UNICODE conversion ?) Is there any way for proper viewing
the special East-European characters ?


the output is escaped UTF8 (that's why it's full of backslashes). I've
posted a workaround few weeks ago, take a look at
and send me a note if it won't work for you.

I don't know if it's a bug of Evo or not, however, it may be
workarounded in OOo itself (in the future) according to comments in the
issue 26931 (
which you can vote for to give it more seriousness :-)
Thank you very much!   It is great !

I have only two remarks:
1/ With this method I will lose the direct connection with the Evolution data 
base. The original concept has the advantage that any change has been made in 
the evolution address book directly appears in OOo address table.

I hope the OOo data base developers will pay a little attention to this 

2/ Two characters (small characters) was coverted not properly (I did not 
check all the affected characters):

      /  /               /  /
    /      \           |       |
   |        |          |       |
    \ __ /            \__ /     

Best regards,


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