Re: [Evolution] New little icon in v1.5.7. What's it's purpose?

On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 10:31 +0800, Not Zed wrote:

Upper right-hand corner you mean?

Yes, sorry.

Thats in all message windows, and yes, it just indicates the mail was
sent with evolution.  Its only shown if you have the "Mailer" header
turned on.

Seems like a useless bit of fluff, that only adds complexity.

On Tue, 2004-04-20 at 20:55 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote: 

In the "Separate Message" window, when reading an email composed by
Evo, a little Evo icon appears in the upper left hand corner of the

What's it's purpose?

Ron Johnson <ron l johnson cox net>

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