Re: [Evolution] Creating a backup script

On Tue, 2004-04-20 at 02:14 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:

evolution-1.5 --force-shutdown 

Hey, that's clever.  I wonder if it will cause all instances of Evo
to die, if run by root?

Yes, that's what I'm afraid of.  Is there a way to avoid killing any
active instances? 

Try this instead:
cd ~andrew
$ x=`date +%y%m%d.%H%M` # great for timestamping files
tar cfj evolution_files_${x}.tar.bz2 \
 --recursion \
 --exclude=.evolution/cache/http \
 --exclude=.evolution/imap \

Yeah, that's much slicker than my own.  However, I get an error with it:

tar: /home/andrew/.evolution_files_040420.0328.tar.bz2: Cannot stat: No
such file or directory

I can't figure out what that is.

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