[Evolution] Problems migrating to 1.5 on Debian(Knoppix)

I am looking for a little assistance in a migration issue that I have

I just installed the 1.5 package through APT for Evolution, and started
it up.  It starts to migrate my mail files over, and it seems to finish
them.  Then it starts my addressbook (at least that is what I think it
is doing).  It then freezes up on me.

Starting it from a console I get the following messages:

addressbook_migrate (1.4.0)

** (evolution-1.5:1341): CRITICAL **: file orbit-adaptor.c: line 19
(ORBit_ObjectAdaptor_set_thread_hintv): assertion `thread_hint >=

Can someone point me in the right direction on this?  Looking through
the archives seems to point to and ORBit version difference, but I can't
find a package that matches the version number.

Thanks in advance for the help.


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