Re: [Evolution] RE: msg crashes evolution

On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 22:31, Not Zed wrote: 
crashes Alex observes.

There's only way to debug crashes, and that is submit a backtrace to a
bug report, since again, it works 100% fine for me too.  It'll probably
end up being something inside gtkhtml or pango is my guess, since they
have to do a lot more work to display mail than what the mail code does,
which is just pass a bunch of opaque data to that layer.

It appears that an update to the pango library caused this.  I reverted
to an older version and Evolution has not crashed.

However, the message that I posted yesterday as the problem message has
no body.  I suppose that I reverted to too old of a version. 
SylpheedClaws does display the message.  At least Evolution is not
crashing :>

Thanks, Alex

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