[Evolution] Problem with Palm sync and 1.4.4


I am having a problem with syncing my palm to Evolution.

First off:  I can access my palm via pilot-xfer or jPilot without any
problems.  Just so you know that part should be okay.

Okay - here is what happens.  I start the sync and if I have it set to
handle my contacts it gets maybe 40 or so copied then gpilotd gives me a

The other problem I had was with the todo list.  It just stopped.  No
error, nothing.  Eventually the palm gives up and claims a communication

I've seen this asked alot, but could not find any answers.  Its a USB
sync through a USB->serial convertor.  Works fine with everything else. 
In fact I had Evolution 1.2.2 before and could not get this far.  The
upgrade to 1.4.4 at least lets it talk for the most part!

Any help would be great!

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