Re: [Evolution] Help Needed to get Signature file working correctly

On Sunday 14 September 2003 06:10 pm, Christopher Ness wrote:
 don't know the reason, but you need to add "<br>" at the end of each
line (even though we are not using HTML, just plain text).  That will
give you line breaks.  At first I thought it would have been \n but it
I do not know why but when I add <br> to the end of each line the script stops 
working. When I add \n, I get the same broken sig but with n's inserted no 
line breaks.
Gentoo Linux:           Gentoo Base System version
kernel-2.4.22_pre2-gss          AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2200+
AIM, YAHOO = ralphfdewitt JABBER.ORG = ralphdewitt
Signed and Encrypted mail encouraged

Attachment: pgpGtVVJifXld.pgp
Description: signature

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