[Evolution] Regexp syntax for Filters in Evolution (1.4.5)

Hi all,

maybe this question has been postet a thousand times, but since neither
google nor myself could locate satisfying messages on this, I post it
again. If anyone knows of a recent thread, just pass over a hint and
I'll try to dig further myself.

Here it is:

I'd like to use regexp to filter my mails, for example to build the
following rule:

   1) Message belongs to evolution-mailing-list # This list ;-)
   2) Subject contains "regex" OR "expression" OR "Filter"
   a) Move the message to local folder evolution/filtering
   b) stop processing the message

So this would be 
(List is: "evolution ximian com") AND (Subject contains: "regexp" OR
"expression" OR "Filter") 

I could not figure out how to use such a construction in Evolution.
In the Filter Dialog there are two possible selections for criteria, one
being "regex match" and another "expression". As far as I understood,
"expression" takes an expression in very different form that is not like
regexp, but the Evolution-Help states that this option is for use with
regex. The link provided in the help only point to the first "page" of
the help, not to any useful information.

Could anyone give me a hint on how to use FILTERS with REGEXPressions in

Many Thanks

Lars Weissflog | L rs-W dot DE
Registered Linux User # 329826

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