Re: [Evolution] Email Harvested? Exploited?

mån 2003-10-20 klockan 07.06 skrev Ted Anderson:
That doesn't look like mail harvesting. To me, it looks like the
recipient's virus checker didn't like an Evo message because it was PGP
signed or something like that , so it automatically bounced it back.
Now, if you're not the one who sent the mails, I don't know why you'd
receive the response. I haven't received anything like this.

I usually don't sign to the list.
One obvious reason (yes I've got those as well) is that someone with an
unsecured Outlook is spreading one of the newer viruses. One of them
(the name escapes me right now) inserts a random email address (from
Outlook list) as sender in mails from an infected system. So it is
actually not you sending the mail, it just looks like it. And you get
blamed by AV-software around the world ...

Martin S.
Martin Skjöldebrand
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