Re: [Evolution] Calendar file?

On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 09:29, David D. Rea wrote:
Turns out the ~/evolution/local/Calendar switcheroo did the trick. BUT I
had to reboot before the manually-replaced files would take. 

That's probably because when you quit evolution, some processes remain
running in the background, and maintain their own copies of data (like
the calendar, addressbook), which they then write to disk when they are
properly shut down.  The easier solution would have been to run
'evolution --force-shutdown' from a console, replace your calendar, and
then restart evo.  Surprised that logging out wouldn't have done that,
but I guess not.

Just for future reference... =)
Eric Lambart <ximian nomeaning net>
No Meaning, Discorporate.

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