Re: [Evolution] Fonts...

Hi Andrew, 

Nope.. no private responses... i have cc'd this message to the list as
well (included my original question at the bottom) - as obviously more
than 1 person is effected :-) 


On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 02:58, Andrew Cowie wrote:
Did you get any private responses
to the message you posted about fonts?

I've been having the same problem on one of my systems, no idea why.
It's almost as if evo is ignoring the system (er Gnome) font settings.


------------------ my original question -------------------------------

Hi All, 

When i log into my X session (using gnome / sawfish - switched to it
after 13 years of ctwm :-), and i start evolution, it starts in a large
ugly font, however, if i do the following:

* Gnome_Menu => Application => Desktop Preferences => Font

Where i have the following set:

  Applicaiton Font: Verdana 10
  Desktop Font    : Verdana 10
  Terminal Font   : Monospace 12
  * Best Shapes

* Click on "Details" and get Resolution which is set to "86".

I change the resolution to something else, say 85, then close the font
windows, then open again and change Resolution back to "86" then close
the font windows and close evolution and open it again, i get evolution
in the nice fonts i expect. 

My assumption is that evolution (or possibly all of gnome stuff?) is not
reading the font properties properly... until i make some changes and

Question: Does anyone know if there is a font-start program i need to
run at startup or if i can do anything in evo to tell it to use the
correct fonts without all the rigmaroll mentioned above. 


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