Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.3.1 Preview Release

On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 23:51, Muralikrishnan B wrote:
Quoting  Ettore Perazzoli <ettore ximian com>:


the first (preview! unstable!) GNOME 2 based release of Evolution, the
GNOME groupware suite, is now available.

For the release notes, download locations, etc. please refer to the
following page:

Need some tips on Compiling Evolution from source.

Checked this URL :
But was wondering if this still applies.

Well, those are REALLY OLD, and I've been quit busy with things, and
haven't updated them for the 1.3 branch.  At the moment, my fastest
compile box is a 500MHz P-III, or a 200MHz Alpha, so I'm not going to be
compiling for another week or so, when the new compile server arrives. 
If it turns out to be non-trivial to compile, I can certainly post more
instructions.  My working platform is currently Red Hat Linux 8.0, or
the phoebe beta (8.0.94).

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