RE: [Evolution] "Alarms for past events" bug still present in 1.2.2

Hi Ronald,

 it seems you are right. All (I hope) problems 
disappeared when I set "System clock uses UTC" 
in date/time applet in kontrol-panel. 
Without it, after setting CET in KDE kcontrol, 
OS shifted hardware time forward by 1 hour during
boot time and the same during shutdown, so after
restart OS time was 2 hour later...crazy. Now
it seems to be OK, and Evo alarms seem to work.
I don't remember - I think there was a question
if system clock is set to UTC during system
installation. However, it would be nice to
have all date/time/timezone settings in one

Thanks a lot for your help, 

Jaroslaw Nozderko
GSM +48 601131870 / Kapsch (22) 6075013
jaroslaw nozderko polkomtel com pl
IT/CCBS/RS - Analyst Programmer

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronald Kuetemeier [mailto:ronald kuetemeier com]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 11:26 PM
To: Jarosław Nozderko
Cc: Evolution "Users (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [Evolution] "Alarms for past events" bug still present in

Now we are getting somewhere. But I have a cold, so be aware that I
really don't know what I'm talking about :-). 
It looks like your machine has a wired setup.
Your date output shows UTC ("Coordinated Universal Time") time, but it
should be CET, or Warsaw time.
      nie mar 2 16:19:22 UTC 2003 Open calendar

Quote from : What is Universal Time?
One can think of UT1 as being a time determined by the rotation of the
Earth, over which we have no control, whereas UTC is a human 

And therefore UTC is highly suspect able to any kind of manipulation

Now it seems that your libc gets a different time zone since the
midnight calculation is of by one hour.
      Queue midnight refresh Sun Mar  2 23:00:00 2003

I can replicate this easily by using either the wrong TZ environment
variable or the wrong localtime file. 

So first you must correct your setup. If the date program shows the
correct timezone (CET) and time and evolution... shows the correct
midnight time, i.e next morning 00:00:00 your setup is ok. All of this
is a combination out of environment variable, hardware clock (UTC or
not), systemtime, and the localtime file (commonly in /etc).

What I do not understand is this:
evolution-alarm-notify-Message: Callback time to save Sun Mar  2
15:35:00 2003
evolution-alarm-notify-Message: Callback time to save Sun Mar  2
16:57:34 2003

How did it get back an hour or where did the alarm come from. 
 It seems
to be the org. alarm and then the snooze, but why is there 
the one hour
diff that your system has wrong in it's setup.
Most likely this will also correct itself after you have the corect
setup, since the time is convert here from a string into 
system time and
then system time is used for the snooze calculation (haven't looked at
the code, just a guess).  This is why the alarm didn't trigger, it was
set to the past, but when you looked again it was found to have not
triggered by the missed alarms (i.e. set between Feb 11 22:00 
and Mar 2

To summarize, correct your setup try again and let me know.


On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 09:08, Jarosław Nozderko wrote:
Hi Ronald,

 I'm sorry for the delay. 
First, I've checked ny installed programs:

$ ll `which evolution-alarm-notify`
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       105288 lut  5 16:20

$ ll `which evolution-mail`
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       785384 lut  5 16:20

$ md5sum `which evolution-alarm-notify`
8139cac4515c56a1c3c86b05c6e5c6a8  /usr/bin/evolution-alarm-notify
$ md5sum `which evolution-mail`
e0fe873ce2f11a2aae37fae8f0da03b3  /usr/bin/evolution-mail

Timestamp for both evolution-alarm-notify and evolution-mail 
is February 5, 16:20.

Then I've followed your suggestion - I wrote to cal.log
using both external editor and echo ("nie" in cal.log dates
is an abbreviation from "sunday" - I have Polish-localized

1) Doing killev,
2) Running your evolution-alarm-notify,
3) Starting Evo,
4) About 16:21 I created appointment for
   16:45 with alarm 10 minutes earlier - 
   'Add component alarms' appeared in evolution-alarm.txt.
   Alarm should fire at 16:35.
5) Nothing happened at 16:35 :(
6) I closed Evo at 16:47 (nothing happened
   at 16:45, too) and started again at 16:50,
7) Alarm appeared at 16:52
8) Snoozing alarm 5 minutes,
9) Appeared again after 5 minutes, OK, snoozing
   again for 10 minutes,
10) appeared again after about 10 minutes.

It seems nothing happens at the scheduled time.

Take a look at attached files - if anything is
unclear, please let me know. 


Jaroslaw Nozderko
GSM +48 601131870 / Kapsch (22) 6075013
jaroslaw nozderko polkomtel com pl
IT/CCBS/RS - Analyst Programmer

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