[Evolution] Evolution and ldap - handling of Field givenName


while trying to set up an ldap-based adressbook for Evolution and
Outlook Express I came across a imho strange behaviour of Evolution
(1.4.3). I tried to enter a Contact by using the form in Evolution.
There I entered the First and the Last Name and pressed Save and Close.
From the Ethereal sniff of the traffic between evo and the ldap server
appeared that evo saved the First and the Last name as a conjunction in
the field cn. I expected that First Name should go into gn (givenName)
and Last Name into sn (surname). I am using the evolutionPerson-Schema
(and core, cosine and inetOrgPerson as well). When I saved an ldap-entry
manually (using ldapadd and an ldif-file with a gn-field) evo was'nt
able to retrieve the gn-field. Is there any reason for this behaviour or
do I do something wrong.

Thank you for any hints.

Thanks in advance


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