Re: [Evolution] IMAP + SMTP issue: cannot send email

On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 16:29, Jens Ansorg wrote:

the provider for my domyin (with all my mail boxes) recently
offered to switch from POP3 to IMAP mailboxes

I converted my mailboxes on the server and changed the accounts in
Evolution 1.4.3 to IMAP. Now, reading mail, dealing with folders on the
emote server ... everything works fine.

Everything but sending email :((
(I compose this message in evo, store it in th edraft folder on my imap
mailbox and will send it later using mozilla mail at work)

with POP3 the sending worked fine. My provider uses something called
"SMTP after POP3" or so.

If its using that, and they dont also do imap before smtp, then you
might have to try turning on the popb4smtp authentication in the smtp
sending options page.

All it does is a pop connect to the same host as the one in the
receiving page, so if they're different it might not help.

Sending emails does work using Mozilla on the same imap account.

So evo seems to do something wrong.

I just run a session with CAMEL_VERBOSE_DEBUG=1

This is the log from the "send mail" part:

sending : EHLO  lisaserver

If that extra newline wasn't a paste-o, then it could also be some
hostname lookup problem, but thats only if its getting the name from the
local /etc/hosts file.  The workaround for some libc bug is to remove
comments/spurious lines/whitespace from the file.

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