Re: [Evolution] Evolution Default Browser

May I suggest Filtering by Mailing Lists? This works reliably and does
not catch private mails (as private reply only and Cc).
right click a mail from the mailing list
 Create Rule from Message / Filtering on Mailing List

You may suggest such - but I don't think my IMAP server notices right
clicks at home :-) I don't filter with Evo, the filters are running on
the (remote) mail server.

btw: 50 DPI default? Strange, ever saw 96 DPI so far...

I saw the same in some config files - but the gnome-fonts-properties
displayed "50" in that box. I changed that to "75", and it looks much
better now.

Btw, as long as the gnome-settings-daemon is running, fonts in
new-started KDE sessions seem to be affected somehow by this as well.
Don't know why and how - but Gnome2 settings override KDE3 settings

Ahem, sorry 4 another question: in the quick-launcher on the left, can I
tell Evo to center the second line of text below icons as well? That one
is always left-aligned to the first line (if that is longer). Nothing
urgent, just a question :-)
Nope, known bug...

Ah, okay. But low priority, I guess - and for *that* one I certainly can
wait :-)


Itzchak Rehberg
"We have joy, we have fun, we boot Linux on our SUN..."

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