Re: [Evolution] more useful camel-WARNING ?

On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 00:37, Lloyd D Budd wrote:

I have done a dual upgrade. Gnome Evolution 1.4 looks great! 

MacOS X / Evo v.1.2.4 to Gentoo PPC / Evo v.1.4.0

All of the 'local' folders list none (or a few) of the messages that
they contain.  I received errors regarding most(/all?) of the -summary
files which do exist.

By deleting each folder's summary and index files (why not ;-), it seems
that everything is there. 

Hmm, this shouldn't have been needed.  The files should even be platform
neutral ... something funny is going on.

Still I would like to track down the other warnings -- at least find out
which folder's file they are referring to.

Is there a env variable or compile option (or patch) to make the
following STDOUT/ERR msgs useful?  Paths with file names to the user
data might be appropriate.  I have each of the following messages
multiple times.

original start:

(evolution:8755): camel-local-provider-WARNING **: Didn't get the next
message where I expected (0) got 2565 instead

Indeed looks like the the summary files were messed up.


after deleting the summaries & indices:

These aren't really that important.  The first few are for emails that
contain invalid charset specifications, which we probably need to get
better at ignoring.

The last few are from the indexer, and probably indicate key clashes
(the algorithms weren't completed to deal with these), although none of
the keys are things anybody searches on so it was never fixed.  (might
actually be other bugs ... but not life and death ones).

(evolution:8867): camel-WARNING **: Cannot create charset conversion
from X-UNKNOWN to UTF-8: Invalid argument

(evolution:8867): camel-WARNING **: Cannot convert 'X-UNKNOWN' to
'UTF-8', message index may be corrupt

(evolution:8867): widgets-WARNING **: Could not open converter for
'unknown-8bit' to 'UTF-8' charset

(evolution:8867): camel-WARNING **: Could not find key entry for word
'section000240000000000000000': No such file or directory

other "words": '0x00000000' , 'b4547ac2ad0bdc0924181842568fc32' ,

Thank you,

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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