Re: [Evolution] Setting menu, message list fonts

On Wed, 2003-01-29 at 14:22, Norman P. B. Joseph wrote:
Is it possible to change the fonts used in Evolutions menus, buttons,
folder lists and messages lists?  I know that under "Tools" ->
"Settings..." -> "Font Preferences" I can change "On Screen fonts" and
"Printed Fonts", but this only appears to alter the fonts used in
displaying the message contents, and I'm looking to change more fonts
than just these.

In other X-based applications I've changed such attributes in an
associated "appdefaults" file.  But I'm not certain that Evolution uses
this or maybe a similar mechanism.  Is this a configurable option, or
hard-coded?  My Evolution is 1.2.1 under Red Hat 7.3.

What prompts this question is that I recently switched monitors to a
flat panel (yay!), but in the process I've had to change my screen
resolution from 1600 -> 1280 (boo!).  So, now not only have I lost
screen real estate, but now all the fonts seem REALLY REALLY BIG.  Kinda
like going from high-school back to kindergarten.  :^)

Any pointers would be appreciated.

Menus, buttons, etc. use the GTK theme.  On Red Hat 7.3 (and other GNOME
1.4-based distros), this can be changed from the GNOME control center. 
Run "gnomecc" in a terminal window (or find it in the menus, where under
Ximian Desktop it appears as System > Settings) and select Desktop >
Theme Selector.  Under User Font, check Use custom font.  Then click the
long button that displays the default font name to browse for a
different default font.

-Mark Gordon

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