[Evolution] Request list

First Let me say I *love* evolution. Now that said let me talk about my
biggest problems (they aren't that big, but ohhh if I could get these
fixed). When I add an attachment there doesn't seem to be any way to add
more than one attachment at a time. It seems that for each file I have
to click on the add attachment icon *again*. This has to be an easy
patch right? Next The fact that I can't use nick names in my address
book. I often want the email sent out to the proper name but would like
to be able to refer to them by the nicknames. Last for my major problems
would be that I can't import my mozilla mailbox into evolution. Like I
said all of these are easy. So easy in fact that I wouldn't be surprised
that there is already a way to do each of these and I just missed it. If
so please let me know how. Otherwise I'll add these feature requests to

Carl Parrish (cparrish carlparrish com)
Registered Linux User #295761 http://counter.li.org

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