Re: [Evolution] Looking for info on why all viewed mail from an imap server is also stored in a local file

man, 2003-01-13 kl. 04:52 skrev Not Zed:

Actually, I'd like to do things the other way around - to be able to
sync the IMAP files on the server to my notebook, so that they're there
to read if i disconnect from the network.

Is that possible in one operation? I haven't found such.The IMAP summary
setting doesn't sync, merely reports.

Yes, in evolution 1.2 you goto settings and select the folders in
'offline folders', and then go offline (the =<||>= icon bottom-left of
the main window), and it will sync those folders unread messages.

And yes, the "cache" is also used as the local store for offline mode.

Hmmm ... didn't see this possiblity, thanks for this.

However, (yes, Evo 1.2.1 upgrade on 1.0.8-99) ticking off the IMAP boxes
that I want doesn't get "remembered". As soon as I close tools, and go
back and look, the boxes are unticked. Restarting Evo, doing 'killev'
and even a reboot in between times doesn't make any difference. In fact,
nothing in the "folder settings" (? translating from Norwegian) part of
tools gets saved.

AFAICS all file permissions in my home drectory are correct, where is
Evo supposed to save these settings? 




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

e-post:         tonni billy demon nl

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