Re: [Evolution] Evolution and Exchange 2000

In the filters dialog, add a new filter and fill it out as follows:

[Date received][is before][1 month ago]

then, whatever folder you want to run it on... select that folder, then
Edit->Select All and then do Actions->Apply Filters.


On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 09:31, Jason Frisvold wrote:
Can I assume that the lack of responses on this is due to the inability
to do something like this?

On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 12:25, Jason Frisvold wrote:
So how would one go about setting up a filter to do something like ...

delete all messages older than one month in the "recentstuff" folder ?? 
I can see how to delete messages older than one month, but isn't that
only in the inbox?

(This is not using vfolders, btw...  I'm not to keen of vfolders)

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 09:52, Christine McLellan wrote:
Not at this time. However, if you have or create a server-side filter
from Outlook on a Windows system, it will continue to run while you re
using Evolution.  The alternative in Evolution is to use (locally
stored) Filters to process the messages while Evolution is running.  I
just would not recommend you using both Exchange server filters and
Evolution filters - if you were not careful the filters could stomp on
each other.

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 08:49, Jason Frisvold wrote: 
Greetings all,

        Is there any way to interact with the "stored" filters on an exchange
2000 server?  I can always jump to a windows machine and make the
changes there, but I was hoping I could do the same thing within
evolution ....

        I'm specifically looking for the ability to delete messages older than
a certain date in specific folders....  Can evolution do this?
Jeffrey Stedfast
Evolution Hacker - Ximian, Inc.
fejj ximian com  -

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