Re: [Evolution] configuration database not found (again) in 1.2.1

Il gio, 2003-01-02 alle 02:22, Andrew Cowie ha scritto:
On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 07:20, Massimiliano Bini wrote:

The only thing I'm missing is: why I've lost those env var? really don't know

Did you change something about the way you're logging in? Different
shell perhaps? ssh not in login mode? 

absolutely not, but I've installed tons of software and probably one of
these has touched conf files.

Typically variables such as
LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set in places like /etc/profile but if said
/etc/profile got skipped, and the process you're coming in on has a
parent with a null environment then you can get into this situation.

In fact, /etc/profile doesn't contain variables (GNOME_PATH, etc.)
needed to run Evo. Or better: it doesn't contain them anymore.

BTW, now it's all ok, tx again

Massimiliano Bini <maxbini inwind it>

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