Re: [Evolution] Problems with Evolution

After installing 1.2.1 new I noticed new problem:

- I have several mail accounts and when I check them using
  "send/receive" password dialogs are too narrow - it
  may sound like a joke but this is serious - I don't
  see the whole account name and it's not obvious which
  password should be used,

I haven't seen this.  If you're saving passwords, you may want to try
disabling all but one email account.  Then it's unambiguous which one
you're being prompted for.  Repeat as necessary with the other accounts,
and you'll get them all eventually.  Granted, if you don't want to save
passwords, this isn't going to work well.

This might be theme related?  Are you using a non-default theme?

We're just using a gnome dialogue, so i'd have thought it would size
appropriately :-/

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