Re: [Evolution] Font strangeness in 1.3.

On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 11:47, Not Zed wrote:
Hrm, looking at gtkhtml source, it looks like pressing F12 will dump the
html tree to stdout.  That might show something up if it works ... but
its probably the html converter anyway.

With another build from the same CVS tree here in the office I see a
different font -- or possibly just the same font but in grey instead of
black --  but the same parts of the mail are displayed differently.

 Pressing F12 doesn't do anything but attaching with GDB and calling
gtk_html_debug_dump_tree_simple() shows the following for the first
offending part of the mail...

  Text `This afternoon I noticed that '
  words: 6 | 32 112 128 192 232 240
  LinkText `ftp.ximian'
  words: 1 | 80
  Text ` had evolution 1.2.2 for SuSE'
  words: 5 | 32 112 160 192 232

Full dump at

It doesn't seem to include much font/formatting information -- even the
italics in the localtime added to the Date: header aren't obvious from
the dump. Is there anything more useful I could do?

Going off at a tangent... (if anyone else is still actually reading this
hijacked sub-thread)... does anyone else actually want the localtime
displayed in italics after the original Date: header as shown in the
screenshot, or is it just me? Does anyone _object_ to it?


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