msg threading WAS "Re: [Evolution] Glean Outlook snapshots for ideas"

On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 19:43, guenther wrote: 
What about a button or context menu item "Post to list" to send a
message to a mailing list instead of taking a message and replying to it
like it was done here?

So, what's wrong with simply clicking the email address in the header of
the mail (the blue colored underlined "link style" one)...

What is wrong is that -- it is outside of our control what others do!

Fairly hi on my own evo wishlist is:
a) smart threading, have an option that "change" in 'Subject' is new
b) pseudo-thread on "Subject".  Some yahoos use mailers that don't seem
to support 'reply', and there msgs are always new threads.
*) manual threading, which further relates to establishing
links/associations between items whether email, task, etc.

Of course, higher than any of this for me is being able to edit msgs. 
While I read msgs I like to prune the crap.


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