Re: [Evolution] Virus scanning in Evo

Enver ALTIN said:

Linux, and so Evolution is not vulnerable to any viruses. Then there's
no need to do so. Do you have any other good reason for that?

I'm finding that while there isn't much need for virus scanning in
Evolution, there is a very important role for virus scanning to play in

What with SoBig.F flying around these days, I've been getting, on average,
about fifteen virus-infected e-mails per day (I've never been hit this
hard before, and I think it's because someone on my Debian list got
themselves infected and infected a bunch of other people on the same
list).  At home I run a mail server with RH8.0 and I check my mail
remotely using SquirrelMail, or with Outlook when I'm at my XP laptop. 
Right now I'm pretty safe since I know much better than to open any
attachments sent to me from someone I don't know, and I recognize the
subject lines that SoBig uses and I have my anti-virus software up to
date.  However, I would like to have the extra protection of my mail
server killing the virus and stripping it even before I retrieve my
messages.  Therefore, some sort of virus detection software on my Linux
computer would be wonderful.

Richard S. Crawford
AIM: Buffalo2K ICQ: 11646404 Y!: rscrawford
MSN: underpope hotmail com
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